Chōwa Do Alliance

The Chōwa Do Alliance is the single recording authority for people who have engaged in the training of Chōwa Do Ki-Regulating Therapy.

All members of the Chōwa Do Alliance have submitted to being graded for (at least) the First Degree Chōwa Do Training and have attained the rank of (at least) First Dan.

While Chōwa Do Training is just that – training – those who have attained the First Dan Ranking are able to use their skill to work with people if they so choose to do so.

Members of the Chōwa Do Alliance fulfill the following practice standards:

  1. They strive to conduct their practice in accordance to the practice guidelines of the Chōwa Do Alliance.
  2. They are engaged in continuous self development and practice.
  3. They are engaged in continuous professional growth.


  1. Practitioners recognize that the practice of Chōwa Do is a life practice and one of continuous growth and development for their own benefit and the benefit of their patients, families and broader communities. Knowledge and wisdom of the practice strengthens and deepens from daily and diligent practice and not from theoretical study alone.
  2. Practitioners of Chōwa Do recognize that they are part of a lineage of teachings, passed down to them by their teachers and their teacher’s teachers. They realize that they are a part of this larger tradition and so honour the teacher – student relationship through which the fundamental teachings are transmitted.
  3. The practice of Chōwa Do is a practice of service that gives each practitioner the daily opportunity to develop self awareness, harmony and empathy for the suffering of themselves and of others.