
Training in Chōwa Do involves 3 Degrees. Each Degree is accorded a Rank or Dan. A person who chooses to practice Chōwa Do Therapy has successfully completed the First Degree Chōwa Do Training and is awarded the Rank of First Dan. Engagement in Second and Third Degree Training is a matter of personal choice and a commitment to deepen and strengthen one’s skill and understanding of the practice.

At present the only place to do Chōwa Do Training is with Adarsa Chakra in Toronto, Canada.

It should be noted that Training is in the Dojo style. There are no qualifications given. The Ranking System and the Dan awarded to each successful promotion is an indicator of having attained a level of proficiency in the training.

People who have attained the Rank of First Dan have acquired the level of proficiency to use Chōwa Do Ki-Regulating Therapy to help others. But this a choice they make based on their own beliefs and goals.